Salt grotto - health and relaxation

A session in the salt cave is an excellent way to take care of your health and to relax and unwind. Comfortable deckchairs, relaxing music and atmospheric lighting make it possible for you to forget your everyday worries and duties, if only for a moment. The healing sessions conducted in salt mines and salt caves have been known around the world for years, and their positive effects on human health and well-being are also confirmed by science. The air, rich in microelements, inhaled during a visit to the salt cave helps in cleansing the respiratory tract, relaxes the bronchial muscles and thus supports the condition of people suffering from respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma. It also promotes the treatment of inhalation and skin allergies. Such a session also has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous systems. A visit to the salt cave will help lower blood pressure and, thanks to the high ion content, also restore the ionic balance in the body. Above all, however, it relieves symptoms of exhaustion, depression and neurosis and relaxes perfectly.


The cave has a specific microclimate characterised by high bacteriological purity and the air is saturated with minerals and microelements. In addition to negative ionisation, which is beneficial to humans, the air in the cave contains elements such as iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, bromine and selenium.

Pozytywne skutki dla zdrowia
Relaks i odpoczynek dla organizmu
Komfort i wyciszenie dla każdego
Sól morska z Morza Czarnego

Salt cave helps to combat many ailments

the best choice

Explore the use

  • chronic rhinitis,
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • pneumoconiosis chronic and recurrent sinusitis
  • chronic bronchitis
  • dermatological diseases
  • hypothyroidism
  • hypertension and vascular and heart diseases
  • metabolic disorders gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • neuroses and states of fatigue reduced resistance to stress